This past year Infographics had the opportunity to work with a new client to redesign installation instructions for one of their existing products. Before moving forward with another project, the company wanted to validate the work we did and determine if the investment was a good one. Today—almost a year since we delivered the first project—we received this email asking for our help. Needless to say, we're absolutely thrilled to know that this company recognizes the value of their investment and partnership with Infographics when it comes to technical communications.
From our client:
We recently completed some observational research with consumers and professionals to see how they install our product and the results were conclusive: We need better manuals!!!
Here are the takeaways from our research:
- Use consumer friendly terms
- Include more detailed diagrams/illustrations and exploded view images
- Design with larger fonts
- Define symbols and icons
- Use more white space, less clutter
- Review installation sequence and steps
- Consider preferences/needs of both “left-brained” and “right-brained” individuals
At Infographics we pride ourselves in being left brain and right brain thinkers. With our left brains we evaluate and analyze the project’s specific needs, putting information in a sequential and logical order. Then we employ our right brains to visualize the whole project and process the information in an intuitive manner. We tailor our proven process and techniques for each project's specific needs. Our thorough and consistent approach results in clear, concise and complete instructions. And we're happy to know that this client agrees.